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What is Mate Tea? What are the Benefits?

Mate tea is an essential and healthy drink. Today, the preparation of this tea, which is recommended by many experts, can be done practically. You can prepare and consume this tea.

What is Mate, Tea?

Mate tea, which has almost the same proportions as caffeine, is one of the preferred drinks today. The leaves of tea are found in South American countries, and the leaves of this tree are used to make tea. The taste is between the mixture of vanilla and green tea. In this sense, it is stated that it regulates the immune system. Also, thanks to the elements and vitamins in the human body have many positive effects. Today there are different opinions about mate tea. In the rest of this article, we will provide information about how to brew mate tea and also provide detailed information about the preparation and consumption of this tea.

How is Mate Tea Brewed?

Regarding the question of how to brew Mate tea, you can first use any additives. Also, 300 ml brew is sufficient for 1 person service. Materials you need in this process;

  • Kettle
  • Cookers for cooking
  • Thermos for carrying with you
  • Teaspoon for adding the mixture
  • Cinnamon for those who want to sweeten

The procedures you will apply for brewing tea are as follows;
  • Boil water in a teapot
  • Pour boiling water up to 70 to 80 degrees on mate leaves.
  • Fill 2/3 of the cup with boiled water.
  • Then mix mate tea
  • Wait a few minutes and start consuming.

This method can be consumed without mixing. If you are preparing it with milk, you can boil the milk in a 500 ml container at a temperature of 60 degrees. Then add 2 tablespoons mate tea. You can then use additional sweetening. Boiling should not be started after this process. Finally, pour this mixture into a glass and begin to consume.

Effects of Mate Tea on the Body

Today, nutritionists and dieticians who have started to recommend this tea also share ideas about their consumption. If we look at the benefits of Mate tea, we can say that it helps to lose weight first. Also, this tea, which balances lousy cholesterol, is known to be suitable for cardiovascular diseases. It has a stimulating effect thanks to the high percentage of caffeine it contains.

This tea contains manganese, magnesium and potassium and also reduces appetite. It is recommended for those who want to lose weight nowadays.
This tea is said to be good for cardiovascular diseases and rheumatism. Also, the benefits can be listed as follows;

  • This tea, which affects the digestive system, has a healing effect on the mucous membranes in the stomach.
  • It removes poison and toxins from the body.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Protects the body against harmful bacteria.
  • It is used to fight insomnia, irritability, and anxiety.
Mate Tea for slimming
To lose weight, mate tea can be consumed. As we have noted, the experts also offer various recommendations. We can say that this beverage, which provides physical comfort to the body is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Also, it is known that tea which inhibits the activity of enzymes in the body minimizes fat absorption.

It is recommended that athletes working in heavy activities should consume this tea. However, it should not be used during pregnancy and lactation for serious caffeine content.

We can say that this tea, which provides rapid burning of glucose in the body, can be applied in various diet programs. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C, and E are the vitamins contained in this tea that must be consumed against bad cholesterol. Also, it contains essential minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and selenium. Today, the consumption of this tea is said to be good for rheumatism.

Mate Tea Against Fatigue

In addition to the information we share with you, it is stated that mate tea is perfect against fatigue. This tea should be consumed entirely due to its content and should be preferred by people who are overly appetite. It is essential to drink this tea, which prevents premature fatigue of the body because it facilitates digestion and makes the intestine more convenient. However, it has the effect of relieving edema, and the stimulating effect of the central nervous system is very high.

Finally, according to a study conducted by the University of Linos, cancer cells of the leaves of the plant were found to slow down. In this regard, tea is said to have positive effects against bladder and larynx cancer. In light of all this information, you can understand how effective tea is by doing additional research. You should also learn what to look for when buying tea. When you buy a drink, the web sites you prefer should provide a reliable service.